December 29, 2010

Taking Inventory - Pantry Challenge (Link-Up!)

Clean Out the Cupboards Challenge

I have been preparing for the upcoming Clean Out Your Cupboards Challenge by taking inventory of the food in the house.  I have finished with the pantry & freezer, and have the refrigerator left to do.  I will get on that task later tonight after the kiddos are in bed b/c I plan on performing the daunting task of cleaning the inside of the fridge while I am at it.  (Insert 'Jaws' theme song here)

Here is a peak at the inside of my pantry.  Well, technically it isn't really a pantry.  It is the closet underneath my stairs that I stuck a shelf in to make a pantry don't laugh!  I took the best picture that I could of the 'pantry' but because of the location, it is a hard angle to get. 

I printed out the inventory sheets that I mentioned in my last post, & listed everything.  I put all the sheets in my household notebook (I will talk more about that in a later post).  

Pantry Inventory

Freezer Inventory

My goal for this pantry challenge is to reduce our January grocery bill as much as possible.  My husband's work is anything but busy right now, so this challenge could not come at a more perfect time for us.  We are looking to pinch pennies as much as possible to get us over this slow hump!  

Also, I have a small stockpile of some items that I got for free or cheap with coupons matched with sales, and I need to use those up before the expiration dates.  No matter how little you pay for something, it's still a waste of money if you fail to use it before it goes bad.  That's nearly the same as just throwing money in the trash can.

Next on my agenda is to sit down & plan some menus using as many items that I already have in the house as I can, & as few things that I have to go out and buy as possible.

I hope that you will join me & my fellow co-host bloggers as we embark on this challenge.  We would love you have you!


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