Well, hello there! I'm Crystal - the Mrs behind MrsHappyHomemaker.com. I am honored to be the Cooking Neighbor at Life Around Home (the first ever social media driven television show) and am also a field editor for Taste of Home magazine, along with being a homeschooling mama! I'm a little busy ;)
I am married & together the hubs and I have 3 children (so far) - 2 girls & 1 boy. We currently reside in a small town in the South.
We are huge animal lovers & have a house full of cats and dogs. When I say a house full, it is no exaggeration. We have 4 dogs, 4 cats, 2 bunnies, & 9 chickens (all egg layers!). Yep 19 animals in total! Did you get all that?
You can email me at Crystal@MrsHappyHomemaker.com