September 4, 2011

French Vanilla Coffee Creamer

Coffee is my best friend in the mornings.  Sometimes it is even my best friend in the afternoon.  I take mine with cream & sugar while my husband takes his sugar & cream with a little bit of coffee.  

Needless to say, coffee creamer is as much of a necessity in our house as a loaf of bread.  It can get expensive though & a lot of the times, you can't even pronounce all of the ingredients on the label.  That's never a good thing.  Or, you just run out of it - and don't want to drive to the store to get some more.

Making my own coffee creamer has long replaced the store bought here.  It's cheap, easy, & you know what's in it.

Interested?  Here's what you need:

Combine it all in a jar, and shake vigorously to combine.

French Vanilla Coffee Creamer


  • 14oz sweetened condensed milk
  • 14oz milk (whole, lowfat, or skim - doesn't matter)
  • 2 teaspoons vanilla extract OR Vanilla Coffee Syrup for a stronger flavor
  • a mason jar (quart is perfect)


Pour all of the ingredients into your mason jar.  Screw the lid on tightly, and shake vigorously for a few minutes until well combined.

To Make it creamier, substitute the milk for heavy cream



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