Omelet with leftover Prime Rib, onions, mushrooms, & cheese
On weekdays, I make breakfast twice a day. Once at 6am for my husband, who has to be at work at 7am. Then, I make breakfast again for my children & myself about 9am. The 6am breakfasts are definitely the hardest on me because I get up right at 6 & immediately begin cooking for my spouse. Even before drinking my first cup of coffee!
So, I came up with these little omelet kits. I make up a batch once a week - and it's a cinch to put together early in the AM.
You will need to dice up a batch of your choice of veggies. This time around, I used onions & mushrooms. I was making enough for 3 omelets, so I diced up one large onion & a large handful of sliced mushrooms. Saute them in a little butter until tender. If you are going to use any meat that needs to be cooked, now is the time to do that too.
I made 3 omelet kits this time around - one with 3 patties of sausage, one with a few slices of ham, & the other with some leftover prime rib. I dice all the meat up & added it to 3 plastic containers.
Then I divide the sauteed veggies in between the 3 containers....
....Top with a square of tin foil, followed by 2 slices of cheese (I leave the plastic on)...
Then I put in 3 eggs, still in the shell
Pop the covers on & put them into the fridge!
When I'm ready to make one, I just take out the kit & give the eggs a quick scramble with a fork & throw them in the pan. When they are done (which is just a few minutes), I top them with the cheese, veggies, & meat.
These simple make ahead 'kits' are very simple to prepare & they really make breakfast time a lot easier; whether it's for your husband, your kids, yourself - or the whole family!