July 16, 2011

Easy Menu Planning Magnetic Organizer

I have been searching for a Menu Planning Magnetic Organizer design for some time.  But all I have ever been able to find are ones that are SO time consuming!  Don't get me wrong, they were cute - but not practical for me to pull off without giving up from frustration & exhaustion.  

The last night I went on the search again and found one that another blogger had made & I said, 'Hey I can do this!'.  So, off to Hobby Lobby I went this morning to get supplies.  My total at the cash register was less than 5 bucks, so I was definitly a happy girl.  (My hubby was even happier!).

You put the weeks recipes in the manilla folder part on the top, then using magnets - you attach the recipe you are going to use that day onto the bottom part.

Crafts & Sutch used a Cricut for the letters, but since I don't have one - I used scrapbooking letters.  Also, I spray painted bottle caps with fun colors & turned them into magnets.

You can put it on the inside of your cabinet door, or you can show it off.

This project took me about 30 minutes to make, and I am thrilled with the results!
This post has been shared with the following blog parties:  Weekend Wrap Up Party, Check me out Saturday, Show & Tell Saturday, Saturday Night Special, Sundae Scoop, Not Baaad Sunday, 21st Century Housewife, Sunday Showcase, Sundae Shake Up, Strut Your Stuff,
Nifty Thrifty Sunday, Think Pink Sunday, K.I.S.S, Motivate Me Monday, Mangia Monday, M.M.M, Mingle Monday, Just Something I Whipped Up, Made by You Monday


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