December 22, 2011

My Christmas Food Timeline

Just as I did for Thanksgiving, I have done my Christmas food timeline as well. With Thanksgiving, I just had to the one meal - but for Christmas, we have a few more food traditions than that.  This timeline doesn't even go into the things like Christmas cookies, sausage balls, etc - but it keeps me sane, and keeps me organized!

  • Christmas Stocking Snack (to eat while opening stockings) - Crockpot Hot Cocoa & Grandma Millie's Oatmeal Cookies

Friday, December 23rd

Saturday, December 24 

Sunday - Christmas!  December 25

  • As soon as we get up, brew some coffee, preheat the oven, get the breakfast casserole in the oven, and throw a pile of trash bags in the living room to keep the unwrapping of presents trash at bay 
  • Turn on A Christmas Story on the TV, and get to opening up the Christmas presents!
  • Breakfast Casserole should be done by the time all the presents are opened - so time to pull that fruit salad out of the fridge & get to eating!
  • Set the table
  • Prep the green beans & bacon
  • Get the prime rib in the oven
  • Pop all the sides from the fridge in the oven an hour before time to eat
  • Make the macaroni & cheese
  • Make the biscuit dough, and pop them in the oven the minute the sides come out

My little timelines really make everything so much easier because I know what needs to be done at what time - and everything comes off without a hitch.  

Are you doing any sort of timeline this year?



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