February 4, 2012

New Feature Added - A Recipe Box!!

I’m excited to let you all know about a new feature here at Mrs. Happy Homemaker. You’ll notice that I've added a Save Recipe button to each recipe post, so you can now save your favorite recipes to your own personal recipe boxes, along with any other recipes you find across the web. You can also save the recipe ingredients to your online shopping lists with one click.

I’ve teamed up with ZipList to make this happen. They power the online recipe boxes and shopping lists you see at MarthaStewart.com, The Daily Meal and Joy of Baking, as well as many food blogs. You can save recipes from any of these websites, including mine, and they'll all be saved in one place. No more hunting from site-to-site to track down your favorite recipes.

You can also access your recipe box and shopping list from my website, ZipList.com and using free mobile apps so you have what you need to plan meals and grocery shop wherever you go. I’m excited to hear what you think!



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