August 29, 2012

Menu Plan Wednesday

I took the summer off from menu planning, but boy am I ready to get back to it. My grocery budget does much better when I sit down and plan what we're going to eat.

I took a look at my freezer inventory, and realized that I had a good bit of meats in there that I've racked up in the reduced section of my local butcher shop.  So much in fact that I didn't have to buy a single meat this week, and barely any groceries either when I paired everything up with what I already had in my pantry & fridge.  I love grocery trips like that.  My bank account is awful partial to them too.

Here is what our menu is looking like for this week.

3-Ingredient Shrimp Scampi-ish
Roasted Potatoes
Cheddar Garlic Buttermilk Biscuits

Mexican Style Meat in the Crockpot for the 2 Meals below (recipe coming soon):

Beef Enchiladas

Beef Tacos

Bacon Cheddar Pork Chops (recipe coming soon)
Cheesy Ranch Potatoes
Fried Okra

Fried Flounder
Hush Puppies

Chicken Fingers
Squash Casserole (recipe coming soon)
Wacky Mac - Macaroni & Cheese

Bacon & Jalapeno Popper Grilled Cheese Sandwiches

Do you menu plan?  Read about why I menu plan on Wednesdays here - and feel free to link up your menu plans below if you're a fellow blogger!

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