5/16/2012 07:00:00 AM
Mrs Happy Homemaker
Borrow a Swedish cultural tradition and do something for you! Slow down, spend some time on yourself, and with a hot cup of coffee – throw yourself a fika!
Fika essentially means “coffee break,” but in Sweden it’s not just grabbing coffee on the go. There Swedes take breaks, true breaks twice a day, where they actually slow down, sit and savor a rich cup of coffee (like Swedish-heritage Gevalia, which is my favorite!), a sweet snack and even the company of family or friends.
A Fika can be 15 minutes or as much as an hour - and it can really be that 'pick me up' that a lot of us need in the middle of the day. That little break that gives us the drive to finish up our day on a positive note. The Swedes also serve their coffee alongside something sweet - how about a maple cinnamon roll or a homemade danish? Just make sure you save a spot for me at the table. :)
Love coffee, but can't do it because of acidity?
Well, don't worry - you can enjoy one too. The Swedes have a beautiful way of creating a low acid cup of coffee, and it really isn't hard. It sounds weird - yes. I know. But if you are a coffee lover who has to stay away from it because your acid reflux kicks up - I'm here to save the day! Yes, the recipe seems odd with an egg in the ingredients - but don't worry. It cuts the acidity dramatically, and there is no trace of an egg flavor in your finished product.
Swedish Low Acidity Coffee
Ingredients:- 1 egg, beaten
- 1 crushed eggshell
- 1 cup ground Swedish coffee (Gevalia)
- 1/2 cup cold water
- 8 cups boiling water
In a small bowl, mix the ground coffee with the beaten egg until the coffee grounds are well coated. Stir in the crushed eggshell, then add in the cold water. Meanwhile, bring 8 cups of water to a boil in a large saucepan. Add the coffee mixture to the boiling water & stir for about 4 minutes, or until the foam subsides. Remove from the heat & cover the pan. Let stand for 7-10 minutes, until the grounds & eggshell have settled to the bottom of the pot. Strain the coffee through a wire or cloth strainer into coffee mugs, or into a carafe to serve. Add sugar & cream to taste, if desired.
*I received a sample of Gevalia Coffee from Kraft Foods for this post. However, all opinions are my own.